Variations of human cognition

These definitions are written as short, accessible descriptions, informing a brief understanding of Neurotypes and User Experience Design Principles.

I strongly recommend reading further to "fully" understand conditions and practices.


ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder affecting the brain's executive function to finish a task, follow instructions and pay attention to details. The strongest behavioural symptoms of ADHD in adults manifest as inattentive timekeeping and impulsive communication (interrupting frequently).


People who have Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD experience difficulties with concentration without the characteristics of ADHD. ADD tends not to have the hallmarks of ADHD such as hyperactivity or excessive impulsiveness.


Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition affecting sensory and social processing. Every autistic person is cognitively unique, presenting qualities and personality styles that manifest differently from typical social interactions.

Colour Blindness

"Colour Blindness, or rather Colour Vision Deficient is an inability to differentiate between certain colours. Incapacity to distinguish between shades of red and green is the most common for people, whereas shades of blue and yellow are less common. Rare cases where everything appears in shades of black and white can be referred as "true" Colour Blindness.


Dyscalculia is a specific and persistent difficulty in understanding patterns with numbers compounding a range of problems with mathematics. Dyscalculia appears in people regardless of age, education or contextual knowledge.


Dyslexia is a specific neurobiological disorder characterised by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition, spelling and decoding. Factors include difficulties in reading comprehension, a poor vocabulary and contextual knowledge caused by a reduced reading experience.


Dyspraxia (also known as Developmental Coordination Disorder) is a disorder affecting movement and coordination. People with Dyspraxia experience difficulties with balance and fine motor skills, such as mouse cursor/pointer movement.

Executive Functioning

Executive Functioning appears in the brain affecting a combination of neuropsychological processes such as planning, organisation, strategising, attention and working memory recollection. Executive Functioning is not exclusive to people with learning disabilities and/or ADHD, but can appear in neurotypical people too.

Highly Sensitive Person

A Highly Sensitive Person or HSP (yet to be categorised as a neurotype) is considered a personality trait known as Sensory Processing Sensitivity or SPS. Those with high levels of SPS exhibit more heightened emotional sensitivity, and stronger reactivity to both internal and external stimuli.

Irlen Syndrome

Irlen Syndrome (also known as Meares-Irlen Syndrome, Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome, and Visual Stress) is not an optical disorder that cannot be corrected with lenses. Irlen Syndrome is a disorder affecting the brain's ability to process perceptual visual information, causing difficulties with depth-perception, light sensitivity, and reading fatigue resulting in severe headaches and migraines.

Low Vision

Low Vision describes the loss of some visual acuity for people despite the use of corrective lenses. People with Low Vision often require additional modifications in contrast, form or proportion of an item (or environment) to correctly identify it.


Neurotypical is a term used to describe an individual with ordinary neurological development or functioning. To be neurotypical means to not have or not be associated with having a brain condition or neurological difference, such as autism, dyslexia or ADHD.

Vestibular Disorder

Vestibular Disorders are damage to areas of the inner ear and brain that process the sensory information to control balance and eye movement. Vestibular Disorders manifest as difficulties with cognitive fatigue, attention and memory processing, also physical difficulties such as orientation, vision and spatial awareness.