- Personal pronouns: (he/him)
- Statement: "Some people are like an open book".
- Age: 31
- Location: Christchurch, lives alone, in a relationship
- Education: (BTchg) Bachelor of Teaching
- Neurodiversity: HSP (Highly Sensitive Person)
- Employment: Employed full time, Primary School Teacher
- Other: Keeps connected with whānau (family) and wider community, wants to change career to something less stressful and intense, but still within the education industry.
To work in education as someone who can help make positive changes to the education industry, supporting and raising awareness of vulnerable learners.
- Emotional security
- Purpose and ethics
- Community values
- Cultural values
- Evening time to study with no distractions
- Emotionally safe environment
- Concise instructions
- Dark mode
- Uncluttered UI
Online Literacy
- Uses work Microsoft laptop, latest Samsung and MacBook as personal computer
- Uses Instagram, Facebook and email
- Has used online learning before (Moodle)
- Watches Netflix and Amazon Prime
- Capable of fixing most technical issues
- Happy to contact IT Support if required
- Well rested calm environment and sustained wellbeing
- Prefers human interaction (when rested)
- Rest periods between assignments
- Clear deadlines and expectations, options for extensions
- Exemplars and templates
- Positive group interaction and peer support
- High contrast (dark text on light background)
- Poor onboarding, results in bouncing out
- Visually and auditory overstimulated can result in migraines
- Will withdraw from negative peer support and comments
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Updated: 22 November 2023