- Personal pronouns: (she/her)
- Statement: "I wish everyone would play by the rules".
- Age: 29
- Location: Auckland, lives with partner
- Education: (BEnvSci) Bachelor of Environmental Science
- Neurodiversity: Autism
- Employment: Recently made redundant
- Other: Keeps connected with family, partly home-schooled, attended senior year university, graduated with above-average to high grades. Prefers movie nights in, is anxious at social gatherings.
To get a job working in sustainable water conservation. Raise enough money for a deposit on a house in Auckland with her partner, who wants to move out of rented accommodation.
- Emotional security
- Safe living
- Financial security
- Live sustainably
- Quiet time to study and early nights
- Concise instructions
- Patient supporters who can answer all her questions
- Dark mode
Online Literacy
- Owns Microsoft laptop and latest iPhone
- Uses Instagram, WhatsApp and email mainly
- Has used online learning before (Moodle)
- Watches Netflix and YouTube mostly
- Can fix most online issues herself
- Uncomfortable contacting IT Support
- Clear expectations
- Well rested calm environment and sustained wellbeing
- Prefers to use IM and email
- Fixed deadlines and options for extensions
- Self-motivated
- Closed captions and video transcripts
- Expensive Internet connection (combined with other bills)
- Lacks collaborative working experience
- Suffers from anxiety when speaking or meeting new people
- Easily over-stimulated resulting in migraines
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Updated: 22 November 2023